Gas Sensor Application

Industrial Safety Sensor Solutions

   Petrochemical industry is a high-risk industry, easily to cause fire, explosion and other disasters, especially in summer. All kinds of extreme weather bring a lot of uncertainties to the safety production, petrochemical enterprises produce and store materials with flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other characteristics, once an accident occurs, it not only threatens the safety of human life and property, at the same time, it causes a lot of pollution to the atmosphere and soil and water environments.

   The reason for factory explosion, mainly is the workshop has flammable and explosive materials, gases, chemical raw materials, in the encounter with open flames, sparks, leakage, electromagnetic waves, in the right conditions will cause a fire, so that the pressure of the confined space increases rapidly, which in turn triggered the explosion. There is also pressure equipment such as boilers, furnaces and other closed equipment, which can cause an explosion due to increased pressure.

    In order to prevent the concentration of combustibles from reaching the explosive concentration during operation, the necessary detection instruments should be installed so as to carry out real-time monitoring of the dynamics of gas leakage, real-time data collection automatically and realize automatic alarm.


For gas leakage, our Semiconductor methane sensors and methane detection modules can be used for detection.


Contact us

HJP Technology Co., Ltd

Contact:Angela Sun


Email:[email protected]

Add:No.11 Zhengshang Road, Zhengzhou, 450007, China

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