Fire is a combustion phenomenon that consists of objects glowing and glowing in air or oxygen, mostly referring to combustion phenomena that emit heat, smoke and flame. Flame according to its characteristics can be divided into premixed and diffusion two types.
Premixed flame fuel and oxides in the combustion reaction before the full mixing, combustion rate constant, generally only in the laboratory environment can be realized. Diffusion flame of the fuel and oxides seperate each other before the combustion reaction, due to the combustion reaction is not fully carried out, the flame is generally yellow and accompanied by smoke. Most of the fires in actual production and life are dominated by diffusion-type flames.
According to the light characteristics of the flame, there are three types of flame detectors used for diffuse flame:
1, Ultraviolet detectors sensitive to ultraviolet radiation with short flame wavelengths
2, Infrared detectors sensitive to infrared radiation of longer flame wavelengths
3, Hybrid UV/IR detectors that simultaneously detect the shorter wavelengths of ultraviolet and the longer wavelengths of infrared light from the flame
One of these is the Multi-spectral Infrared Flame Detector (MIR), which is a new technology optical flame detector. It applies advanced infrared sensing technology (MIR), using three infrared flame sensors with narrow-band filtering of different wavelengths: one of the sensors reacts to the center wavelength of the flame information, and the other two sensors monitor the other infrared radiation in the environment, combined with the flickering characteristics of the flame, and analyzed through the arithmetic analysis, so that only the radiation spectrum that meets the characteristics of the flame is recognized as a fire alarm, and the other interferences False fire signals formed by other interfering factors will be excluded.
Flame Detection Infrared Sensor
The infrared pyroelectric flame sensor utilizes pyroelectric effect and adopts lithium tantalate single crystal as the sensitive element material. Curie temperature of lithium tantalate crystal material in 600 ℃ or more, the relative dielectric constant is small, specific detection rate is high, the material pyroelectric coefficient of change with the temperature is very small in a wide range of room temperature, the temperature change rate of the output signal is only 1-2 ‰, temperature stability of the sensor performance is excellent, and with high wavelength spectral response consistency in the range of 1-20um .
HJP Technology Co., Ltd
Contact:Angela Sun
Email:[email protected]
Add:No.11 Zhengshang Road, Zhengzhou, 450007, China